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> 外出就餐的英語短語


外出就餐:dine out; eat out; go out dining/eating; go out for a meal
She does not enjoy parties or dining out. 她不喜歡參加派對,也不喜歡出去吃飯
I don't like to cook so I dine out every day. 我不喜歡做菜,所以我每天都在外用餐。
We had to eat out all the time. It ended up costing a fortune.我們不得不總在外面吃飯,結果花了很多錢。
Let's go out for a meal. 咱們出去吃飯吧。
We often go out eating together. 我們經常一起出去吃飯。


標籤: 就餐 英語
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