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> 什麼是泰姬.瑪哈陵


位於印度阿格拉郊外亞穆納河南岸的陵墓建築群。是莫臥兒皇帝沙.賈汗(Shah Jahan)為紀念其妻,死於1631年的蒙泰姬.瑪哈(Mumtaz Mahal)而建。泰姬.瑪哈陵始建於約1632年,歷經二十二年才完工。其中央是一正方形花園,邊上是兩個較小的長方形區域,一為陵墓所在,一為門廊。陵墓由純白色的大理石建成,上嵌硬石。陵墓兩側配有兩座紅色砂岩建築,一邊是清真寺,另一邊是一座完全一樣的建築以實現審美上的平衡。整個建築建立在一個高大的大理石底座(plinth)上,每個角上都有一個尖塔。建築的四面完全相同,每面各有一座33公尺高的巨大中心拱門,都有一個球根狀的雙穹頂和四座穹頂涼亭。建築內部石雕裝飾精美,中心是盛放大理石棺的八角形廳室,石棺上方是一面鏤空雕飾的大理石屏壁。泰姬.瑪哈陵被認為是世界上最美麗的建築之一。


Taj Mahal

Mausoleum complex on the southern bank of the Yamuna River, outside Agra, India. It was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The Taj complex, begun c. 1632, took 22 years to complete. At its center lies a square garden area bounded by two smaller, oblong sections, one comprising the mausoleum and the other an entrance gateway. The mausoleum, of pure-white marble inlaid with semiprecious stones, is flanked by two red sandstone buildings, a mosque on one side and an identical building for aesthetic balance on the other. It stands on a high marble plinth with a minaret at each corner. It has four identical facades, each with a massive central arch 108 ft (33 m) high, and is surmounted by a bulbous double dome and four domed kiosks. Its interior, with fine, restrained stone decoration, centers on an octagonal chamber containing the marble tombs, enclosed by a perforated marble screen, with sarcophagi below. It is regarded as one of the world's most beautiful buildings.

標籤: 泰姬 瑪哈陵
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