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twelfth【單詞發音】英 [twelfθ]   美 [twɛlfθ]  【單詞釋義】adj.第十二的;十二分之一的n.第十二;十二日;第十二音【短語搭配】the twelfth century 12世紀the twelfth floor 13樓,12樓【單詞例句】The tower, incidentally, dates from the twelfth century.順便提一下,這座塔要追溯到12世紀。Only about a twelfth of the workers are women.大約只有十二分之一的職工是女性。She's in twelfth place.她排第十二。

1、The victory was her twelfth this year.這是她今年第十二次獲勝。

2、擴展資料近義詞:twelve【單詞發音】英 [twelv]  美 [twelv]    【單詞釋義】num. 十二【短語搭配】twelve joints 十二節twelve edge 十二邊the twelve channels 正經twelve internal organs 十二髒【單詞例句】She often puts in twelve hours' work a day.她常常一天工作十二小時How old are you? I am twelve (years old).你幾歲?我十二歲。

3、The clock struck at twelve o'clock sharp.鍾在整十二點鐘打點。

標籤: twelfth
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